Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lana pass with a 4x4

There are scenes that we have seen in movies or shares in the international media but rarely happens that you see in Albania. It was crazy adventures of a young man from Tirana, who has passed his fuoristradën 4x4 river crosses the Albanian capital, Lana, Although some seem a "Mission Impossible", the young man was able to successfully pass the test and bring the car to the other side of Lana, who have said that there was little water

Monday, June 10, 2013

We displayed a whistle Israel

Residents and tourists in the town of Kiryat Yam have been directed towards the coast hoping to see that many people believe the creature that exists only in tales. A siren was said to resemble a cross between a fish and a young girl, only appears in the west. Ben movements for some viewers amusement, and then disappears. One of the first people they saw sirenen, Shlomo Cohen, said: I was with friends when suddenly we saw a girl lying on the sand in a weird way. At first I thought it was a sunbathers, but when we were afrouam she jumped into the water and disappeared. All remain in shock because we saw she had a tail. Appearances whistle started several months ago. Kiryat Yam government has offered a reward of $ 1 million for the first persons to be photographs of the creature. Spokesman Natti Zilberman thinks the reward money is spent are well spent. I truly believe that if a siren, then so many people will come to visit us will gather as much more money than $ 1 million. Of course, if the siren does not exist, you may be fraud, an optical illusion or not a clear perception of an animal known, then the reward money will remain intact, and that the country's economy will benefit from the influx of people to be photographed sirenen to overtake. It is not clear what people are seeing, although the power of suggestion and imaging can be strong. Identifying animals in water has always been problematic, as witnesses see only a small part of the creature. Mermaids have always been an attractive thing. There were various performances whistle in history. Most of them are myths and legends, such as stories about beautiful young women who marry marine, but then they discovered that they were sirens. Other reports are hundreds of years ago and did not provide data. While swindlers have worked hard to satisfy the public's hunger for sirens, and the fact that there is none found so far is only a small and insignificant thing. The great showman-P.T. Barnum, filed a whistle before a group of people left with mouth open in 1840. His famous Mermaid was not a whistle. In fact, the head and chest of a small monkey were implanted in the body and tail of a fish. It was strange and certainly nothing like they had seen before, but it was far from suggesting that the sirens were beautiful women and half-naked. Even full of other false siren appeared along the centuries. While still remains to be seen whether this siren is true or not.

Aspirin, why should now call 'miracle pill'

The more the study, the more benefits are disclosed. Three studies this year have suggested that an aspirin a day contribute to risk of tumors removed. Meanwhile, a few days ago, several other studies have added that regular consumption of this drug reduces mortality in terms of prostate cancer. Moreover, acetylsalicylic acid, which is the main actor to aspirin, seems able to slow brain decline of older women. Regarding the tumors in the prostate, is turned into a scarecrow for all men over 50 years, it can be said that an analysis between six thousand men with neoplasi shows that among those who took aspirin, mortality for the next 10 years was 3% , versus 8% of those who had consumed the drug. Whereas, with regard to women, is a fully certified daily aspirin slows the decline cerebral old woman who are at risk of cardiovascular disease. This has been confirmed British Medical Journal, which cited an analysis on 500 Swedish women between 70 and 92 years. In this case, the protective role of the drug appears on the ability to fight inflammation, involved in cardiac diseases, as well as the degeneration of the brain. After this might not be a bad idea to think aspirin as a preventive anti-cancer, anti-prostate cancer, and anti-aging. One must assess the benefits, compared with the potential risks – Silke warns Cam, one of the authors of the Swedish study -. We do not know yet who can be a long-term risks of daily consumption and for a long time to aspirin.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Blunt: The Laurels more than friends,

DJ Blunt once again denied having a romantic relationship with singer Dafina, which has said it is very close as a friend, but has denied any romance that arise in the future. Supplement Bluetooth asked if it is true connection with Laurels, and this was his reply: "No, not really", and asked what is their relationship, said: "We are more than friends and are very close to each other. I know Laurels for many years. " He claimed that the originator's hit "Bloodah" is one of the best singers Albanian, while outside professional life has described as "very good girl, very simple, and it leaves the impression of Amazing". However when asked whether a story opportunities arise in the future between them, DJ Blunt said: "I do not know. You never know. "

Eskavatori flying between Pristina!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The vertical paparapari speaks Thaci, Mustafa, Kurti Buzhala

The most famous of television interviews and then in Z Mobile advertising, old man from Pristina, entered analysis about politicians. And vertical analysis and unpredictable. In a video that appears to be made ​​from some young, the old man speaks to Berat Buzhala, Hashim Thaci, Isa Mustafa Albin Kurti. Mustafa Kurti like a lot of wishes success. The first two do not see as well. Buzhelen calls even in vertical mode disabled. The scenes when he speaks, he also knows that being shot. Then there are some moments where he does not know that the camera is released and speak freely. Begins to sing in Albanian and German.

Joanna in hospital, after separation from Anaidi

As more news that Anaidi stated that he did not intend to continue the relationship? I heard the screen. I saw his behavior the night before, of course, his parents coldness towards me and I thought I did not go in "Fan's Club". I told him Anaidit things easier, since there is fortitude mean things in my eyes. We heard that you had health problems, right? Yes, four days ago I was driving and giving a few strong contractions in the heart, I hurried to the nearest hospital. Doctors told me that all came from stress. So it seems that you have suffered? Posi not, I like Anaidin, where I knew I was on it somewhat hypocritical that everyone inside. Not sold for 35 million man. /