Monday, June 10, 2013

Aspirin, why should now call 'miracle pill'

The more the study, the more benefits are disclosed. Three studies this year have suggested that an aspirin a day contribute to risk of tumors removed. Meanwhile, a few days ago, several other studies have added that regular consumption of this drug reduces mortality in terms of prostate cancer. Moreover, acetylsalicylic acid, which is the main actor to aspirin, seems able to slow brain decline of older women. Regarding the tumors in the prostate, is turned into a scarecrow for all men over 50 years, it can be said that an analysis between six thousand men with neoplasi shows that among those who took aspirin, mortality for the next 10 years was 3% , versus 8% of those who had consumed the drug. Whereas, with regard to women, is a fully certified daily aspirin slows the decline cerebral old woman who are at risk of cardiovascular disease. This has been confirmed British Medical Journal, which cited an analysis on 500 Swedish women between 70 and 92 years. In this case, the protective role of the drug appears on the ability to fight inflammation, involved in cardiac diseases, as well as the degeneration of the brain. After this might not be a bad idea to think aspirin as a preventive anti-cancer, anti-prostate cancer, and anti-aging. One must assess the benefits, compared with the potential risks – Silke warns Cam, one of the authors of the Swedish study -. We do not know yet who can be a long-term risks of daily consumption and for a long time to aspirin.

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