Saturday, June 8, 2013

Romeo and Juliet from Podgorica: Suicide because religion separates us

Montenegro-This is the couple from Montenegro, painful history of which is done online hit after being thrown in the river swollen by Cem large inflows to save their love of rock to escape the people cast to them. News Agency 'INA' writes today that the couple were rescued by the police of Montenegro. Podgorica lovers hand in hand to capture the river handed. 18-year-old Anela Kolenoviq has left her family and moved home to loved Zekri Kabashit 20 years. "Members of the police initially came to help me, but I suggested that first-Zekriun to save him, because he started sinking. It helped fate. My mother, brother and a neighbor were in the river and ten minutes have not called the police. The guests have estimated that when I no longer able to afford to stay in the cold waters of the River Cem, while all the time Zekriu life or death battle with the waves of Cem-swollen river "has declared Anela media in Montenegro Black. After a 3-year-old about the girl's family has belonged to stop the guy. According to them due to the ban has been religious affiliation; Anela is Zekriu is Muslim and Catholic. But 'INA' reports that the love of these two young people, and Zekriut Anelës has been stronger. "That day, the critical day, we walked along the river Cem, when we noticed that my mother and neighbor. They ran after us and joining my brother. They throw stones after us while we stood skirting the river, decided to jump into the cold waters of Cem "said Anela. Media reports say the 18-year-old mother "has gone several times before Zekriut house and threatened his father's gonna kill that son" One must respond to these attacks "thinks and considers the young man beloved Zekri KABASHI adding Anelës neighbor, who has consistently followed, after the incident, after the jump in Cem, has gone to the hospital where he was given first aid and continued with insults against the couple in love

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